How Employers Can Create a Recruiting Center of Excellence with Staffing VMS

WurkNow Team
WurkNow Team
January 14, 2023
Recruiting Center of Excellence

Here’s your holiday goal: fill empty positions so you can hit your numbers and scale. What if you could do the Wurk without doing the Work?

WurkNow is staffing vendor management software (VMS) for employers that plugs into your existing tech stack instead of operating as a silo. WurkNow Staffing VMS lets you add and delete the staffing agencies your organization uses with just a click of the button. This enables better staffing agency performance and is an important step in the process of creating a recruiting center of excellence.

How Staffing VMS Works

With WurkNow Staffing VMS, you can manage all staffing agencies in one portal with complete transparency into who is working on what and where. Simply log in and you will immediately know what’s going on across all staffing agencies. You will also know who has accepted an assignment and is being deployed.

The best part: in today’s economic environment, every initiative should include an evaluation of its return on investment (ROI). Not in a trite time-and-money kind of way, but real financial savings. (Psst: your CFO is going to love this…) This helps ensure more effective decision making in less time, which can free up your HR team to focus on more important work like increasing employee engagement, which increases productivity and lowers hiring costs.

Universal Time Clocks

Unlike generic VMS software, WurkNow Staffing VMS includes timekeeping software, a mobile app, and biometric time clocks – whatever combination you need. If you’re using multiple time clocks to manage multiple staffing agencies, WurkNow can provide you with one universal time clock used by all workers sourced by each agency.

Instead of a Frankenstein-like, cobbled together mess, WurkNow’s universal time clock ensures all employees and temps clock in and out on one time clock even if they were supplied by multiple staffing agencies. As a result, WurkNow’s universal time clock helps ensure you capture all employee time, are in compliance with all labor laws and company policies, and are alerted to potential issues (e.g. not taking enough breaks, buddy punching, etc.). Reporting is streamlined so it only takes minutes to produce vs. spending hours or days to manually assemble timekeeping data from multiple staffing agencies, which is a process prone to error.

Employers who use multiple staffing agencies describe WurkNow Staffing VMS as a gamechanger. To quote a holiday candy commercial, “They do exist.”

Streamlined Job Order Management

WurkNow Staffing VMS also allows you to broadcast work orders out to all or a select number of agencies. You can also track work orders and view agency performance without bias. This helps prevent job orders going to the staffing agency that just dropped off donuts – if they want to give you a gift, make it high fill rates with great candidates. That’s a gift that keeps on giving!

See for Yourself

As WurkNow CEO Sammy Singh says, “We built Staffing Supplier Management to fill a gap in the marketplace. No more going upstream when you really need a cost-effective solution for managing multiple staffing agency suppliers. We built our platform to work with VMS systems as well.”

Get off to the right start in 2023 and let WurkNow do the heavy wurk… er, work. You know what we mean.

Contact us to learn about staffing VMS software

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